Important Dates

Early July, 2024 - AP credit posted to online transcript
July 15, 2024 - Registration begins. 
July 26, 2024 - Registration ends. You'll be able to change your schedule again beginning at orientation.

Let's Get Ready to Register

To register for courses, view your registration status, plan ahead, or browse the list of course offerings, visit Since system navigation can sometimes change, this will be the easiest, most direct way to access all of the tools needed for registration.

Additionally, we have crafted step-by-step registration videos and instructional guides to help ensure you have a successful registration period during your first semester at Lehigh. The links below cover all facets of your registration experience and each video is approximately 3 minutes. We encourage you to review this information as often as needed.


Registration Videos and Guides

Browse Classes - This video demonstrates how to search for available courses in a given semester. *Note: Navigation to Banner from the menu has changed since this video was created. We recommend navigating directly to to browse classes

Linked Courses - This guide explains how to register for a linked course.

Plan Ahead for Registration - This video guides you through the process of using the “Plan Ahead” tool. This feature allows you to create a registration plan ahead of time, allowing for a simpler registration process once your registration period opens.

Register for your Planned Courses - This video shows how to register for the courses you’ve previously planned out using the “Plan Ahead” tool.

Register for Classes Individually - This video demonstrates how to register for classes one-by-one without using the “Plan Ahead” tool.

Changing Your Schedule - This video guides you through the process of changing courses on your schedule after you’ve already registered. *Note: Navigation to Banner from the menu has changed since this video was created. We recommend navigating directly to to change your schedule.


Changing Variable Credits - This video explains how to change the number of credits for variable credit courses.

Waitlists - We strongly encourage our first-year students to find alternative courses rather than adding yourself on a waitlist (where available), but if you happen to place yourself on a waitlist, the waitlist guide will help you navigate the process. Please note:  If you are on a waitlist and do not receive notification of an opening, you will be automatically dropped from the waitlist when registration closes.

When can I begin registering?

First-Year registration begins the week of July 15 - 17, 2024. We will update you on your specific registration date in early July. For now, you may visit Banner Registration to browse classes and begin planning for the fall. First-Year student registration will remain open until July 27, 2024.

Special Notes:
  • ROTC scholarship recipients must register for specific ROTC courses
  • Music scholars must register for specific music courses

The content on this site is intended for use by students entering Lehigh University in the Fall 2024 semester only. This information is reviewed annually and is subject to change in accordance with changes to University policies and procedures.